The Springfield Three (True Crime)

The Springfield Three (Sherrill Levitt, Suzie Streeter, and Stacy McCall) vanished mysteriously from Springfield, MO home, never to be seen again. No motive. No evidence. Just gone in the night.

The Suitcase Detective
18 min readJan 19, 2021

The Disappearance (La Desaparición)

Date They Disappeared: June 7, 1992 (Sunday)
Location: 1717 E. Delmar Street, Springfield, MO
Situation: Missing Persons

Falta en la fecha: 7 de junio de 1992 (domingo)
Falta de: 1717 E. Delmar Street, Springfield, MO
Situación: Personas desaparecidos

The Victims

Sherrill Elizabeth Levitt (nee Williams) (47) was a single mother to Bartt and Suzie Streeter. Levitt was twice unhappily divorced, moved to Seattle for a new start in 1980. She and Suzie were close, but the relationship with Bartt was volatile. Levitt was a hair dresser with approximately 250 customers and good reviews. She enjoyed fixing up homes and her last phone call centered on repainting some furniture. She had finally saved enough money to buy the small, but pleasant home and was enjoying the opportunity to decorate. She went home…



The Suitcase Detective

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